What is 3MdBS ?

The Mexican Million Models database (shock part) is an organized collection of shock models calculated with the shock modelling code MAPPINGS . This site is a logical continuation of the 3MdBP offering photoionization models grids evaluated with CLOUDY code. Both grids can be used by professional astronomers around the globe who need to compare their observations with 1D theoretical shock/photoionization models. The service is free of charge to the community.

At this moment, this website only cover the shock part of the database. Future release will include both projects.

Anyone who want to use the grid needs to be familiar with MAPPINGS by reading published papers about the physics behind the code as well as examples of its usage. After careful reading, the user is invited to take look at the documentation available on this website to make use of the database in a timely and effective fashion.

How to use 3MdBS ?

The shock models grid is stored in a MySQL database which can be accessed in different ways :

  • Via this website which is dynamically linked to the database
  • With the MySQL or MariaDB shell client
  • With the Python programming language and its libraries
This website contains the documentation required in order to be familiar with the database structure and how to interact with it.

Database access and registration

The credentials required to connect to the database can be obtained via the 3MdB Google Group. A simple registration is required in order to access the group and participate to discussions.

Financial support

This project was financed by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT-CB2015-254132).

Live statistics

# queries since 2025-03-05 15:02:03


# of shock models available

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